Hitohira Tosa Kurouchi Blue #2 Double Bevel Deba 120mm Ho Wood Handle

This blade is a double-sided version of a traditional Japanese fish butchery knife called a 'deba', which are single-sided. Unlike its single-sided progenitor, a yo-deba is suitable for heavy-duty tasks such as cutting crab shells and lobsters, cleaving poultry and more.
Brand: Hitohira ひとひら
Producing Area: Tosa-Kochi/ Japan
Profile: Deba
Size: 120mm
Steel Type: Carbon Steel
Steel: Blue (Aogami) #2, Soft Iron Clad
Handle: Ho Wood & Buffalo Horn Ferrule Oval
Total Length: 250mm
Edge Length: 123mm
Handle to Tip Length: 139mm
Blade Height: 17mm
Thickness: 3.1mm
Handle Length: 110mm
Weight: 107g
Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous