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A petty (utility) knife often gets used more than a lot of common all-purpose knife shapes. Petty knives can be used to cut small fruits, vegetables, and even some smaller cuts of meats (essentially, all petty kitchen tasks). Often, petty knives are seen as small chef's knives, being able to used with as much versatility as its larger counterparts.

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Hitohira FJ VG-1 Petty 150mm Pakka Handle


Konosuke x Tosho (KT) Petty 165mm Ho Wood Handle


Yoshikane White #2 Nashiji Petty 150mm Double Ebony Enju Handle


Misono SW Carbon Petty 130mm Pakka Handle


Teruyasu Fujiwara Denka no Hoto Petty 85mm Ebony Handle


Hitohira TD Blue #2 Stainless Clad Nashiji Yo Petty 125mm Walnut Handle


Morihei Hisamoto Kurouchi White #1 Petty 135mm Pakka Handle (No Bolster)


Teruyasu Fujiwara Denka no Hoto Petty 120mm Pakka Handle
