Fine Stones (#3000 and up)
Fine grit: These stones do not remove much materials and tend to give off a mirror-like polish on the edge. Great for knives that require very refined edges such as slicers used for raw fish, or knives made out of great quality steel that can take and hold this fine edge.
Imanishi Arashiyama Whetstone #6000
Imanishi Combination Whetstone #1200/ #4000
Morihei Hishiboshi Karasu Whetstone #9000
Morihei Hishiboshi Whetstone #12000
Morihei Hishiboshi Whetstone #4000
Morihei Hishiboshi Whetstone #6000
Naniwa NOS B Grade Whetstone #4000
Naniwa Professional Whetstone #3000
Naniwa Traditional Whetstone #6000